A three-step process

The EPFL, in association with BetonSuisse, organizes 3 interdisciplinary meetings about concrete. This forum has the following objectives: 

  • to better understand the stakes and the challenges of the concrete supply chain by taking into account its whole cycle of production, from raw materials to recycling
  • introduce and strengthen interdisciplinary collaborations: within the EPFL among departments, between EPFL and industry, between EPFL and institutions of the State
  • involve researchers, teachers, industrialists, architects, engineers, institutional persons in charge and students of the EPFL, in the optimization of the durability of the concrete supply chain


Le béton, matière en devenir

Why should we organize the interdisciplinary concrete forum at the EPFL in 2010, 2011 and 2012?

Why concrete? The hot topic of the Nineties has been “How do we conceive low-energy buildings”. Evolution in the domain has lead us to change the question to “How do we conceive buildings with an environmentally low impact?”. And, by extension, in this period of world urbanization: “How do we conceive sustainable cities?”. Besides, concrete has been the main material used to build our cities for more than a century.